Friday, April 27, 2007

Spiderman III

What’s it about?

Spidey returns battling his own demons, plus Junior Goblin, Venom and Sandman. Phew!

Highs n lows

This third incarnation of the Marvel comic doesn’t let us down. Action packed from the beginning and with its fair share of laughs, it’s that rare breed of sequel that’s actually as good as the first film. Some film snobs might complain that it relies too much on CGI but I say to get the breathtaking fight scenes and recreate that comic book feel the CGI adds rather than takes away. Despite the modern techno tricks with all the characters in up to date action gear (btw someone tell me how they manage to make geeky looking Tobey Magujire look so good in a Spidey suit??). This movie has a decidedly retro feel starting with the use of that old stalwart the trip wire to win a fight, and borrowing from eighties box office hits Greece and Back to the Future with a reincarnation of the hover board and Travolta’s dance moves.

Is it any good?

A bit too violent for very small fans, but otherwise a marvellous 4 out of 5.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

What’s it about?
Bridget’s back. Gaaah!!

Book vs Film
Take a couple of seconds to take this a tiny bit seriously, and it could tell you a lot about modern society. With the constant obsessing about relationships, inability to trust or communicate, dump before you’re dumped mentality, and (Bridget Jones’ own theory) the replacement of faith with that of self help books … (Hmm okay maybe that’s a little bit far fetched).

Anyway, having put myself through the trauma of the first book, I thought I’d better have a go at the sequel just to see how far things could sink. Surprisingly enough, although you could never say the book was deep, I did like the way relationships were handled particularly the importance of friendships. The characters from the first book were developed further, making them slightly more interesting, but the plot, even wackier than the previous book, was too far fetched if written well enough for you to engage in the action. And yes I did laugh, once or twice.

The Film however, was crap; far too simplistic and sickly sentimental. As usual, the script writer took the big scenes from the book but changed who the action happened to so it all focused on Bridget, that plus the added ‘bonus’ of a wedding at the end was just too much.

Renee Zellweger’s Bridget became too dippy (okay we know she’s not mastermind, but still), and what was with that walk?? Overall I felt they were trying too hard for laughs and failed miserably. The whole thing really suffered from leaving out other characters’ relationships which are very simply explored in the book, but which provide some of the comic moments. The result, a claustrophobically dull ‘chick flick’. The one and only high point being Firth and Grant’s smacking fight in the fountain.

Is it any good?
Film a disappointing 1 out of 5, book a surprising 3 out of 5

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Charmed the Gypsy Enchantment – carla jablonski

What’s it about?
The Halliwell sisters go up against dark forces conjured up by gypsy magic at the local circus.

Highs n lows
Created for teens as a follow-up to the hugely popular TV series, I was really looking forward to this read, being a bit of a fan of the series. Again, making an assumption that the book is generally better than what you see on screen I was looking forward to some really vivid character development, lively writing with great action sequences and even more sizzle to the magic. If only. I think the author could have done with some help from one of the writer’s master classes being run as part of today’s London Book

Overall this was a dull read. Far too reliant on the reader having seen the TV shows, it was even lacked some of the basics. Devoid of character development, with very little character description, the plot was slow and I certainly can’t say that the thrill of the magic sequences on screen was completely recreated on the page. Somehow even the plot line felt less complicated than in the series, with none of the sub-plots which funnily enough are routinely included on screen. Sadly it’s another case of there not being enough material from the TV screens for the book, and no attempt was made to develop it.

Is it any good?
A disappointing 2 out of 5.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Return Of The Trek

To Trekkies’ delight, Paramount is set to release the long awaited Star Trek XI on December 25th 2008. The studio plans a complete revamp concentrating on the younger days of Captain Kirk and his mentor Mr Spock. Just how much younger has yet to be determined. Let’s hope Scotty (James Doohan) some of whose remains will be taken on a last space run in April this year, and the rest of the original crew will approve of their youthful high jinks to be.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Eyre Affair – jasper fforde

What’s it about?
Welcome to the world of Thursday Next, where classic literature is enjoyed by the masses, a Will Speak (Shakespeare) machine is on every street corner, and forgery of original works is big business. Plus, the Crimean War is still raging, videos are still done on tape and a computer takes up a whole room, but book worms can create whole new worlds and people can literally stop time.

Complete with a whole new take on the origin of the banana and it’s own version of Blade this world might sound crazy but you quickly accept each new twist on reality because none of it phases the leading character Thursday, who herself is just a little busy trying to solve the mystery of who stole Dickens’ last manuscript ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, whilst also saving her Aunt and Uncle, finding Acheron Hades, saving characters stolen from original manuscripts; and let’s not forget a little thing like finding a husband too.

Highs n lows
This was my first introduction to Fforde’s extraordinarily clever other dimension. The first of a series of four books about LiteraTec Thursday Next, the last of which came out in 2006, I’m not surprised this has such a huge following.

Fforde obviously enjoys his craft and has a great sense of humour which is woven easily throughout this beautifully written sci fi best-seller, which is strewn with gloriously vivid but efficient character descriptions, and demonstrates a keen sense of pace to match the slightly complicated plot.

Endlessly inventive, engaging, funny, and if you know your classic English literature you’ll probably get even more laughs out of this one. For more suitable ridiculousness, as well as background on the characters and the author visit

Is it any good?
4 out of 5. Scarily imaginative, and thoroughly enjoyable.