Thursday, June 05, 2008

A Million Little Pieces – james frey

What’s it about?
A self penned autobiography in the loosest sense of the word about Frey’s recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.

Highs n lows
A refreshingly simple read. Gutsy, straight to the point, evocative, not for the easily offended. Time and again I was amazed at how the author managed to conjure up a scene so realistically – particularly the toenail section, using such very simple language and sentence structures.

Is it any good?
4 out of 5

Bookclub discussion primer
- Does it matter to you that parts of the book are actually fiction?
- The stylised use of capitals for some everyday nouns – what does this mean? Did it add or takeaway from the narrative for you?
- Throughout the book James is against any form of religion yet swears by the Tao – isn’t this just another type of spirituality?