Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pregnant Pause

This is nothing to do with film or books – but tell me why is it that only women are willing to give up their seats for pregnant women using public transport? The number of furtive looks and slight frowns that I’ve had directed my way, which slide quickly away as soon as I turn my head in their vague direction since I’ve begun to show

You can just see them thinking, hmm she’s pregnant, she might want a seat, but I’m comfy/had a long day/waited ages for this one (whatever the excuse), should I offer her mine? Maybe someone else will….??

Well actually 9 times out of 10 THEY WON’T! Can I encourage all men out there to dig deep into some old fashioned chivalry and offer yours – you might even get a thank you but no thank you, and if not at least you’ll get that warm glow of doing something for someone else.


Anonymous said...

In my experience I've found the opposite. Women are less likely to give up their seats to another 'Sister', compared to the men. Proves that selfishness knows no gender

Anonymous said...

I can't answer for all men but I always give up my seat for a pregnant woman as well as for women with small children. Like my old school motto "Manners maketh Man".

However, it may be a case that you sometimes can't tell who's pregnant from who's let's say on the more (Big!, no that's so wrong)fuller figured side.

It happen to me once when travelling on the London Underground (it's called the Tube in the UK). I give up my seat for a Woman who I thought was pregnant only to find that she was just Fat!! and she had the cheek to take the seat.

So WoIM have yo decided on the name for your child/children?


Anonymous said...

From what I have seen, more men give up their seats than women do.