Tuesday, December 12, 2006

More controversy for OJ

So OJ Simpson’s back in the news and Rupert Murdoch’s fortunes have taken a bit of a dip courtesy of OJ’s new book ‘If I did it’ which was supposed to be released in the states before Christmas. Billed as a hypothetical story about how OJ would have committed the crime, if he had done it, it has been judged of poor taste by the American public. So much for innocent when proven not guilty.

The fierce media and bookshop backlash forced Murdoch to cancel the publication, interviews, and pulp stock. So I wouldn’t hold our breath waiting for copies to wing their way to the UK via Rupert Murdoch’s HarperCollins publishing arm.

As for OJ – he’s still got his fee and his face is back in the papers, I wonder if he sees the whole debacle as such a bad thing??


Anonymous said...

GQ Smmoth, once again my friends. Can'y believe FOX had to wait for a backlash to see that this was in poor taste. Did OJ do it??? Not according to the Jury. Nuff Said!

Anonymous said...

GQ Smooth, once again my friends. Can't believe FOX had to wait for a backlash to see that this was in poor taste. Did OJ do it??? Not according to the Jury. Nuff Said!

Anonymous said...

Here's a question in relation to the whole OJ thing.

If, lets say the same thing happen in the UK. Whereby a famous rich Black personality's White wife had died in mysterious circumstances, the police botch the investigation (don't say I can't happen, Stephen Lawrence anyone!!). Do you feel they'd be in jail now?

I remember reading some of the UK press covering and thinking OJ would be doing Life now if happened here. I wonder what does anyone else think.