Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Casino Royale (12A)

What’s it about?
007 takes on the head of a money laundering operation that funds terrorist organisations.

Highs n lows
I used to love James Bond movies when I was a kid, until the clichéd male chauvinism began to grate just too much. So I wasn’t overly enthusiastic at the thought of yet another remake of the old formula – particularly at 2 and a half hours worth! So I was hugely surprised by how good this was. Despite the fact that this is based on Ian Fleming’s first bond novel from 1953, this is James Bond for the Noughties. Taking us back 20 odd episodes to Bond’s early career, Daniel Craig’s 007 is raw, emotionally complex, dare I say it almost ‘new man’. Ladies be prepared for a nice eyeful when he flashes the flesh, fellas whilst the ladies aren’t typically Voguesque, they are definitely sexy (but clothed!)

I won’t give the plot away but this has got more twists and turns in it than a rattlesnake. Watch out for the amazing Parkour (Free Running) chase at the start with non other than Sebastien Foucan co-creator of the discipline. Add to that, a few well-placed twists on Bond clichés, a brilliant performance from Dame Judi Dench in her 5th incarnation as M, and you’ve got a slick, fast paced and action packed film to be shaken by.

Is it any good?
4 out of 5 – the 2 and a half hours will fly by!

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