Thursday, November 09, 2006

Falling (Fallen)

What’s it about?
5 women meet up at an old teacher’s funeral, and proceed to fiercely relive their youth before, with the help of a lot of alcohol and a little tiredness, secrets old and new start to slip out.

Highs n lows
A story of shattered dreams and reawakened friendships this is a thorough fly on the wall account of a moment in these women’s lives. Effectively exposing the complexity of the lives that women live today, I was a disappointed by the lack of a sense of closure in this detailed character expose. I had high hopes of something uplifting, moving or even funny, but other than rekindling their friendships and exposing a few untruths there’s no real plot to this 88 minute showcase.

Is it any good?
3 out of 5 – Austrian film, in German with English subtitles.

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