Friday, January 12, 2007

Tipped for 2007

I realise you’ve probably had a belly full of best of worst of 2006 so as we’re now well into 2007, I won’t go there, so instead here’s a quick don’t miss list for the first quarter of 2007.

Best in Film
I Feel privileged to have seen such a wide range of films over the past few months, some well before their UK release dates. But if I had to choose just one must see for this Winter? I’d have a hard time choosing between Dreamgirls and Last King of Scotland. Dreamgirls left me with serious goose bumps, bedazzled and with aching feet from the amount of tapping they did throughout the film. On the other hand Forest Whitaker’s performance as Idi Amin really blew me away and just has to get my top vote.

Last King is out in the UK in January, Dreamgirls in February.

Also out first quarter of 2007 and worth a look if you can spare the time are:
Blood Diamond
Fast food nation
Bamako (didn’t catch it during BFI but will be seeing it)

Check out my reviews on this site for more on these.

Best in Books
So that’s the best in film, what about the best in books? Well I have to say my top tip for 2007 if you’ve not already got it has to be Bernadine Evaristo’s Emperor’s Babe – if you didn’t’ check it out back in October, do it now and let me know what you think.

If it’s the best sellers you’re more interested in, the top UK best sellers at the end of 2006 were:

The Sound of Laughter – Peter Kay
Why don’t penguins’ feet freeze
The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger

Let me know if you think any of the above’s worth reviewing.


Anonymous said...

GQ Smooth once again. Don't the ladies like Spiderman, Transformers Shrek 3???

WOIM said...

Believe it! I'm a long time spiderman fan so'll definitely be catching that this summer.

Anonymous said...

GQ in da house. I've just done a quick search for the Bernadine Evaristo book, on Amazon, but could only find a book entitled 'Lady'. Have you read this and can you reccomend?

WOIM said...

I've done a quick check on Amazon UK and Waterstones and they both have it listed. Search by book title rather than by author.

The only other book I've read by Bernadine E is 'Lara', again a good read which I'd also recommend.